Isla cayote, a remote island village that we visited to deliver free veterinary care

Our SoC Project targets isolated communities with limited economic resources in the Sea of Cortez, Mexico. The immediate goal of the project is to provide long-term improvements to animal welfare, to public health and to the ecosystems in which these communities are located. The longer term and broader goal is educating and inspiring a global audience by documenting the work with these communities and the wildlife within the surrounding ecosystems.

Phase 1 involves exploratory missions in the Sea of Cortez, visiting communities and assessing the health of the domestic animal population, wildlife, and ecosystem to identify at risk areas. During this time, we will also be evaluating the resources available to the community and forming connections with local and regional organizations. We will provide free or low-cost treatment to in need animals, both to improve their immediate health and to build trust between the community and myself.

Phase 2 is the implementation of long term, sustainable projects that will improve animal health and welfare in the communities identified. This will involve funding, organizing, and performing vaccination and neuter campaigns for the area. The connections made and trust gained between the local community and regional veterinarians with these initial campaigns will facilitate future campaigns and animal welfare projects to organically happen after we leave.

Vaccination and Neuter campaigns not only directly improve the health of individual animals but also improve the health of local communities and ecosystems. With less domestic animals carrying diseases, and living on the streets, disease transmission is also reduced to wildlife and the death of wildlife by domestic animals reduces. Improving the domestic animal health also improves human health and can improve the economy of a town, as well as provide an educational opportunity to impart knowledge on animal husbandry.

We also hope to work with already established wildlife and domestic animal groups to help them improve their facilities, management and knowledge to make lasting change in as many communities as possible. Our journey will of course be documented to help inspire and educate a global audience on ways we can make the world a better place.

Our Project in Action

In 2023 we put this project into action, visiting 6 remote villages in the San Jose channel to deliver free vaccinations, tick/flea control products and other treatments to the pets of the region. We were able to provide preventative care and treatments to over 60 animals, and vaccinated every dog in the small villages we visited. The communities we visited do not have access to veterinary care due to their remote locations, some of which can only be accessed by boat. You can watch our episodes on this epic adventures here.

We also visited Cerritos Beach Dogs, a newly built dog rescue center, to assist them with the formulation of veterinary documents and protocols.

In December of 2023 we began the post-hurricane sailing season at PAW Mulege, a volunteer run veterinary clinic providing free and low cost care to the animals of Bahia Concepcion, Mulege and surrounds. We spent a few days with the clinic doing spay/neuter, more complex surgeries like lump removals and treating unwell pets. We also visited the beach communities in the region with our boat to deliver vaccinations and provide flea/tick/worming medicine. You can check out our work with the PAW clinic here.

In February of 2024 we visited Agua Verde for the first time to assess the health of the animals, perform free check ups, treat any illnesses and provided free flea/tick/worming medicine. We saw 70 dogs and cats, and will be returning in March to deliver almost 200 vaccinations. The next phase of this project is to host a spay/neuter clinic in Agua Verde working with regional veterinarians in Loreto and La Paz.

You can DONATE to help us continue this project as we sail and explore the SoC.

Watch SEASON 5 and SEASON 6 of Chuffed Adventures to see this project in action!

OUr clinic in san evaristo was organized with the help of local delegates, we vaccinated 35 animals in this town under the communal palapa